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     In my ENG3651: Creative Writing class, I found a comradery among my fellow classmates unlike any other. In this class, Professor Bathanti instructed each and every last one of us to develop our own writing skills, in our own way, but with a simple-structured method. He demanded that we honed our crafts, and not be subjected to mundane, or cliché forms of writing. He challenged us all to do the hardest thing anyone could ever do in this society, and that was to be our complete creative-selves all over the paper.


     This poem was selected as the Louise Rockwell Honorable Mention: Anthony Abbott Poetry Contest, 2015. While writing this, I extracted ideas from true experiences, added a slight writer’s touch of embellishment, but kept the scene very real. I used plain language, narrative tone, and clear detail to provide nice imagery. This poem can be accessed below.  


Breaking Georgia


Breaking Georgia.docx


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